Huawei – S310-48T4S Gigabit Ethernet Switch

Brand Name: Huawei
Part Number:S310-24PN4X
Product Type: Huawei – S310-48T4S Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Specification:Please refer to the Datasheet on the Manufacturer’s Datasheet
Warranty:Manufacturer Standard Warranty
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Huawei – S310-48T4S Gigabit Ethernet Switch


Huawei – S310-48T4S Gigabit Ethernet Switch



DescriptionS310-24PN4X(24*10/100/1000/2.5GBASE-T ports(400W PoE+), 4*10GE SFP+ ports, built-in AC power)
Part Number98012534
First supported versionV600R023C10SPC600


Dimensions without packaging (H x W x D) [mm(in.)]Basic dimensions (excluding the parts protruding from the body): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 420.0 mm (1.72 in. x 17.4 in. x 16.54 in.)

Maximum dimensions (the depth is the distance from ports on the front panel to the parts protruding from the rear panel): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 446.0 mm (1.72 in. x 17.4 in. x 17.56 in.)

Dimensions with packaging (H x W x D) [mm(in.)]185.0 mm x 650.0 mm x 550.0 mm (7.28 in. x 25.59 in. x 21.65 in.)
Chassis height [U]1 U
Chassis materialMetal
Weight without packaging [kg(lb)]4.71 kg (10.38 lb)
Weight with packaging [kg(lb)]6.89 kg (15.19 lb)
Typical power consumption [W]54.8 W
Typical heat dissipation [BTU/hour]186.98 BTU/hour
Maximum power consumption [W]
  • Without PoE: 77.70 W
  • Full PoE load: 517.30 W (PoE: 400 W)
Maximum heat dissipation [BTU/hour]
  • Without PoE: 265.12
  • Full PoE load: 1765.08
Static power consumption37.1
MTBF [years]54.48 years
MTTR [hours]2 hours
Availability> 0.99999
Noise at normal temperature (acoustic power) [dB(A)]47.9 dB(A)
Noise at normal temperature (acoustic pressure) [dB(A)]34.22 dB(A)
Number of card slots0
Number of power slots0
Number of fans modules2
Switching capacityTo obtain data of this specification item, see the corresponding datasheet or contact the product sales personnel.
Packet forwarding rateTo obtain data of this specification item, see the corresponding datasheet or contact the product sales personnel.
Redundant power supplyNot supported
Long-term operating temperature [°C(°F)]–5°C to +45°C (23°F to 113°F) at an altitude of 0 to 1800 m (0 to 5905.44 ft.)
Restriction on the operating temperature variation rate [°C(°F)]When the altitude is 1800–5000 m (5906–16404 ft.), the highest operating temperature reduces by 1°C (1.8°F) every time the altitude increases by 220 m (722 ft.).

Devices cannot start when the temperature is lower than 0°C (32°F).

The operating temperature ranges from –5°C (23°F) to +45°C (113°F) when optical modules with transmission distances greater than or equal to 60 km are used.

Storage temperature [°C(°F)]–40°C to +70°C (–40°F to +158°F)
Long-term operating relative humidity [RH]5% RH to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Long-term operating altitude [m(ft.)]0–5000 m (0–16404 ft.)
Storage altitude [m(ft.)]0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Power supply modeAC built-in
Rated input voltage [V]
  • AC input: 100 V AC to 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
  • High-voltage DC input: 240 V DC
Input voltage range [V]
  • AC input: 90 V AC to 290 V AC; 45 Hz to 65 Hz
  • High-voltage DC input: 190 V DC to 290 V DC
Maximum input current [A]6 A
Memory2 GB
Flash memoryPhysical space: 1 GB
Console portRJ45
Eth Management portNot supported
RTCNot supported
RPS inputNot supported
Power supply surge protection [kV]Differential mode: ±6 kV; common mode: ±6 kV
Ingress protection level (dustproof/waterproof)IP20
Types of fansBuilt-in
Heat dissipation modeAir cooling for heat dissipation, intelligent fan speed adjustment
Airflow directionAir intake from left and front, air exhaustion from right
CertificationEMC certification

Safety certification

Manufacturing certification





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